В конференциях отмеченных зеленым сегодня были ответы специалистов.
Желтым – не более недели назад.


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12:02 13-07-2003 / Что Делать - По…, обратиться

Планируем ребенка. Но я постоянно на антидепрессантах. Что делать? Можно ли на антидепрессантах беременнеть? Или мне придется их бросить? (тогда не долечусь и в депрессии и слезах всю беременность прохожу - что тоже вредно). . . . . Через какое время после отмены антидеп. его не будет в организме? ? Можно ли будет кормить грудью? Какое зло меньшее? ? ? ПОМОГИТЕ! ! !


Внимание! Имена специалистов пишутся красным шрифтом со ссылкой на их профиль. Остерегайтесь мошенников, не высылайте никому деньги!

# 18:23 13-07-2003 What If You'Re …, обратиться
Animal studies haven't found any problems with taking Prozac during pregnancy, even in 10 times the normal human dosage. However, animals and people sometimes react differently.

A study in the January 1997 New England Journal of Medicine concluded that taking Prozac or tricyclic antidepressants during pregnancy doesn't affect the IQ, language development, or behavior of the child, at least throughout the preschool years. In a study of more than 200 preschoolers, there also were no significant differences in temperament, mood, activity level, distractibility, or other problems, according to researchers at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Moreover, there were no developmental differences between infants who were exposed to antidepressants only during the first three months of pregnancy and those whose mothers took the drugs throughout pregnancy.

Previous research has shown that infants who were exposed to the antidepressants in the womb were no more likely to have major birth defects than those who were never exposed. Although one study indicated taking Prozac during the third trimester of pregnancy might lower an infant's birth weight and increase the risk of preterm delivery, the new study found no evidence of such problems.

At the time the children were born and when they were tested for learning and behavioral problems, their weights, and heights were similar regardless of whether their mothers had taken an antidepressant during pregnancy. Moreover, the study found that women who had taken the drugs during pregnancy were no more likely to give birth prematurely than those who hadn't taken them.

Because depression during pregnancy is a big problem, birthing experts felt reassured that at last there are some reassuring data about the safety of these drugs. Untreated depression can have a negative effect on pregnancy, especially if a woman has problems eating or sleeping.

While this study is encouraging, experts really can't be certain yet about the safety and effects of antidepressant use during pregnancy Most doctors recommend that, if at all possible, you not use Prozac (or any other antidepressant) if you're pregnant or trying to conceive. However, if you become severely depressed without medication during pregnancy, you and your must weigh the severity of the depression with the available information on how the drug might affect a developing fetus.

Like most antidepressants, Prozac is secreted in mother's milk. Since scientists just don't know what effect this might have on the baby, most doctors recommend that you not plan to breast- feed if you're taking Prozac. You'll need to weigh these decisions, however, since Prozac and many other antidepressants are effective in treating postpartum depression.
# 22:59 13-07-2003 Некто, обратиться
Довольно интересная информация, кстати. Все бы врачи так отвечали- мы бы давно здоровы были))) Thanks!
# 07:11 14-07-2003 Успешная Выписк…, обратиться
Некто, вы нам переведите, тоже знать будем о лействии прозака. Старайся маня для пользы.
# 12:22 14-07-2003 Некто, обратиться
Ага, у меня руки отвалятся пока я перевод напишу, или еще чего- нить) Сами грамотные, прочитаете.
# 01:47 16-07-2003 Шура, обратиться
Так мы тоже умеем читать по- ангийски в инете. Это не ответ, а копия.



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