В конференциях отмеченных зеленым сегодня были ответы специалистов.
Желтым – не более недели назад.


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22:41 04-05-2011 / Раиса Петровна… / Лиски, обратиться

Здравствуйте. Мое заключение МРТ - признаки остеохондроза всех отделов позвоночника, спондилез на уровне Th 12 - L 3 сегментов, спондилоартроз L 1 - 15 сегментов 1 ст., протрузии дисков L 1/2, L 2/3, L 4/5, грыжи Шморлч в Th 12 и L 2 позвонках, гемангиомы L 1, L 2 позвонков.
Два года назад обострение болезни было 2 раза в год. Последнее времч (июнь, август 2010 г. и февраль - апрель 2011 г.) повторилось снова. Проходила лечение Мовалис, Траумель С, Мидокамл, Мильгамма, Алфлутоп в/м. Дело в том, что лечение этими препаратами сейчас стало менее эффективно. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как надо лечитьсч. Спасибо.


Внимание! Имена специалистов пишутся красным шрифтом со ссылкой на их профиль. Остерегайтесь мошенников, не высылайте никому деньги!

# 21:05 07-05-2011 аля, обратиться
здравствуйте!!! мне тоже назначали такое лечение в россии,но из этих препаратов я оставила только мовалис,мильгамма и афлутоп в/м...от мидокамла была ужасная слабость во всем теле,мышцы так расслаблялись что аж ходить не могла....алфлутоп нужно колоть через каждые 6 месяцев по 20 уколов в/м в зависимость началась боль или нет,результат почувствуете100%..но обязательно делать нужно специальные упражнения для позвоночника...я живу в лондоне и со своей проблемой обратилась в клинику, меня 2 грыжи в поясничном отделе...в россии нейрохирург сразу сказал нужно вырезать..я отказалась...здесь подход совсем другой ...тело лечит себя само если ему помогать....назначали физио лечение, думала что как в россии это типа электрофареза,но в лондоне такого лечения даже нет вообще,физио у них это лечение физическими упражнениями,через каждую неделю доктор добавляет спец.упражнения которые делать нужно только лежа на полу...было страшно от боли даже повернуться.но двигаться надо обязательно начиная с малого через пару дней сразу заметила результат уже прошло 3 месяца теперь упражнения добавлены и стоя ...и когда после долгого дня на ногах чувствую иногда дискомфорт в спине вместо таблеток ложусь на пол и делаю упражнения..ПОМОГАЕТ!!!!если вырезать грыжи проблема не уйдет..может быть и повторные..нужно аккуратно делать упражнения и помогать своему телу...слова доктора : нужно быть занятым и не сидеть на месте и не лежать...как прописывают в россии,то нужен покой и лежать...НА СЕБЕ ПОНЯЛА ...НУЖНО БОЛЬШЕ ДВИГАТЬСЯ!!!!ЖЕЛАЮ ВСЕМ И САМОЙ СЕБЕ ЗДОРОВЬЯ!!!
# 14:45 14-05-2011 Виктория…, обратиться
аля, скажите, при протрузиях в шее можно заниматься йогой? Вы можете спросить у врача? или нужны какие-то упражнения специальные? напишите Ваш адрес пожалуйста.
# 12:59 23-05-2011 будимир, обратиться
Здравствуйте, Аля!
На меня произвело большое впечатление, как Вы лечитесь в Лондоне.
Уменя радикулит. Я хочу сделать центральным направлением в своем лечении самостоятельные физические упражнения.
Если Ваши упражнения подходят для радикулита и это не слишком сложно, пришлите мне, пожалуйста, их описание.
Чтобы Вы имели представление, чем я занимаюсь, посылаю Вам мою последнюю статью.
Если данная тема Вас не интересует, я сочту вполне естественным, если Вы не будете ее читать.
В любом случае прошу подтвердить получение этого письма. Ответьте, пожалуйста, на мой электронный адрес.
Желаю Вам успехов в лечении и всего самого лучшего
Будимир Роговой,Ph.D.


Budimir Rogovoy, Ph.D. (Russia)

There is at present the growing literature and some Internet sites dealing with self-sabotage.
What is self-sabotage?
It is said in the Internet site that “self-sabotage behavior is when there is no logical or rational explanation for why you can`t do the things you want to do or why you can`t have the things you want to have”.
The definition seems to be inexact. There is no rational justification of self-sabotage behavior by its presumed benefits and this gap really cannot be filled. As to the rational explanation of self-sabotage, it can in principle be provided, and this is just the task of the present essay to develop some initial premises for such an undertaking.
Forms of self-sabotage behavior are diverse. According to a leading expert in the field:
“We sabotage time, weight, finances, exercise programs, writing (known as Writer`s Block), education, careers, relationships, health…” (
If we have beneficial aims, we may procrastinate. But the choice of our aims may be also subject to self-sabotage and then the drive to reach these aims may be self-sabotage too.
The realm of self-sabotage behaviors includes substance addictions and criminal behaviors. (The results of the latter are often harmful for the criminal person and as far as they preserve this quality they are also self-sabotage).
There are other terms synonymously used for “self-sabotage” and namely “masochism” (in a broad, unsexual sense), “internal saboteur”, “antilibidinal ego”, “psychological reversal” and some more.
The very abundance of such competitive names suggests that there is insufficient scientific elaboration of the problem.
In the following text we shall intermittently use the terms “self-sabotage” and “masochism” the latter denoting self-sabotage behaviors and also internal psychic drives directed to the harm of the masochistic person. ( In this short article we have no possibility to discuss any alternative denotations of the term “masochism”.)
The loss of the contacts with and of the adaptation to reality characteristic for self-sabotage behavior allows one to consider it mildly psychotic, which makes understandable why it is so difficult for a person to admit that s/he is sabotaging oneself. Who would like to think of oneself as a psychotic person?
The analogies between self-sabotage and open neuroses and psychoses induce one to suppose the play of masochistic forces in the origin and processes of these illnesses. Some psychoanalysts beginning from K.Abraham stated, indeed, that regression is the primary etiological factor in the origin of psychoses, which regression is, as we believe it, driven by masochistic forces.
There are important social implications of individual self-sabotage/masochism to which we shall now address ourselves.
When Germany began the 1st and the 2nd world wars, which both had catastrophic results for this country, there were scenes of popular exultation among the German people and rational choice could not prevail. When Japan entered the war against the USA it was done despite the presentation to the Japanese government of the well-documented report, in which the military strength of the USA was estimated to be 10 times more than the Japanese one and the prediction consequently was done of the inevitability of the defeat of Japan.
How could these and a number of similar facts be explained in any other way than as manifestations of masochism?
Social (mass) masochism may lead not only to imprudent aggressive actions, it may manifest itself in excessive passivity. A salient example from the recent history: there was just such passivity in Russia at the 90th years of the 20th century during the disintegration of this great country, which disintegration brought about much suffering to the people.
By the way, Russia manifested itself in the 20th century as a “classic” country of social masochism the latter being presumably one of the major driving forces of the Communist revolution.
This is not to deny that in many other historical situations the Russian people did manifest exceptional activity, readiness to self-sacrifice and other noble moral qualities. (These positive features may still appear under the new leadership).
Such paradoxes seem to be frequent in the field of masochism and need firm scientific explanation.
One more paradox of this kind.
S.Freud and some other psychologists described the so called “success neurosis”, which arose after an unusual success of the patient. There are also some social analogies to this phenomenon of individual psychology.
By the way, the fall of the powerful Roman Empire after reaching unprecedented international and internal successes at the time which the contemporaries characterized as “the golden age” – could it not be, at least partially, explained by social masochism?
Another phenomenon of presumably masochistic nature seems to be the accumulation of mistakes of absolute rulers as , e.g., Napoleon and Hitler, which mistakes after leading to much detriment of their countries caused finally defeats and fall of these rulers.
The facts of individual and social masochism are not only apparent, they are conspicuous, and the insufficiency of scientific attention to these matters may be explained by the same masochistic drive, which prevents individuals and society to fight effectively against this major evil.
And really the explanations of masochism proposed by science remain up to now generally insufficient.
This is a pity especially if one takes into account the imminent global crisis of humanity. This crisis called by the two Russian authors “the Armageddon to-morrow” (Valyanski & Kalyuzhni, 2006) is quickly evolving into “the Armageddon to-day” and has distinct masochistic features in its origin and development.
The global warming is only the beginning of the severe ecological crisis. The rise of prices for oil and gas has already triggered an economic crisis in the USA and other countries. The social upheavals in many countries will continue on the background of the still unreconciled opposition between the “progressive” and relatively prosperous (as yet) West (or, in the modern geopolitical configuration, the North), and other poor and conservative, economically and culturally backward countries. The dangers of such an opposition were already shown by the masochistic suicidal terrorists in the USA and other countries.
It is irrefutably clear now that the overpopulation predicted 200 hundred years ago by T.R.Malthus (Malthus, 1798) , which prediction was given insufficient attention by science and society, has become intolerable. As S.Valyanski and Dm.Kalyuzhni write, “the biosphere of the Earth cannot support the existence of 6 billions of people” (Valyanski & Kalyuzhni, 2006, p.15).The transformation of the biosphere becomes inevitable and it will be accompanied by the deep transformation of mankind, possibly with its degradation or even complete extinction.
Science knows many crises of animal overpopulation, which usually end with many oscillations of the quantity of population accompanied by the gradual restoration of the impoverished and degraded medium.
But there is a big difference from these animal crises: the present crisis of humanity was primarily called forth by the masochistic use of reason, which created possibilities to exploit the medium of existence disregarding all except immediate benefits. And this masochistic factor continues to be active.
Although many immediate ecological, economic, social , cultural and political means against the present crisis seem to be necessary, the only radical psychological means is to eradicate this masochistic use of reason and make man Homo Sapiens (=Reasonable man) in the full sense of these words.
The realization of this extremely difficult task seems yet to be possible, on the condition that masochism would not prevail in this undertaking once again.
A good starting position for fighting masochism seems to be from the scientific investigation of “the most harmful and dangerous forms of human orientations” according to E.Fromm, and namely : necrofilia, excess narcissism and symbiotic-incestual drive (Fromm 1964; our citations of E.Fromm here and below are taken from the Russian translation of the book 2010, p.21.)
We believe that these findings of Erich Fromm are really a major achievement of modern psychology. But have all the necessary inferences been derived from them?
E.From writes that a necrofilic person adheres to “law and order”.
But is such an adherence always bad?
Science and art generally speaking also demand “law and order”, which could be helpful for the resistance to masochism. (Cf. , e.g., J.P.Sartre “The Nausea”).
The LH (left-hemispheric) orientation may lead in its extreme malignant growth to necrofilia but generally speaking it is a normal part of the dichotomy of LH- and RH_ regulations in man. Cf., e.g., our article “Aphrodite and Universal Corruption.”)
As regards narcissism, R.A.Glick and D.I.Meyers write about its relation to masochism:
“The narcisstic character and the masochistic character are one and the same”. “Neither can exist without the other”.(Glick & Meyers 1993) p.137).
These are perhaps too emphatic statements but indeed could not narcissism be an inevitable psychic stratagem to fight masochism?
And in a broader philosophical perspective the problem of narcissism, without using this term, is touched on in our article “The Dialectics of Self-Will”.
.And at last about the third negative orientation according to E.Fromm.
The symbiotic-incestual drive dependent on the attachment to Mother, with “euphoric feeling of the vabsolute, unconditional love and security and unconditional support” (Frmm 2010, p.165) is connected with a deeper regression than the symbiotic attachment to Father -“the person who punishes or rewards” (ibidem, p.164).
But does it necessarily follow that a deeper regression should be more malignant?
E.Fromm says, on the basis of his clinical experiences, that a deeper oral-receptive orientation is less malignant than an oral-aggressive and oral-sadustic ones (Fromm2010, pp.180ff).
And indeed Bruno Bettelheim and Marguerite Sechehaye in heir successful psychotherapies of children`s schizophrenia manifested uncohditional love and support to their patients, with correspondingly deeper levels of their regression, which was helpful for the treatment: v. (Rogovoy, 1994).
We believe that these psychotherapies, with their emphasis on gratification and activity of the patients, could become, mutatis mutandis, paradigms for successful struggle against individual and social masochism.
And finising our considerations of the negative human orientations as stated by E.Fromm, we could possibly bring forward our conception of “positive psychic pathology”.
According to this conception negative psychic manifestations can often be used by the person and society to reach some positive aims: v. (Rogovoy B. “On Positive Psychic Pathology”).
1.Freud S.(1920) Beyond the Principle of Pleasure. (In German).
There are also English and Russian language translations.
2.Fromm E. (1964) The Heart of Man/ M.:AST-Astrel, 2010 A Russian translation)
3. Glick R.A., Meyers D.I. (1993) Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
4.Malthus T.R. (1798) An Essay on the Law of Population.
5.Rogovoy B. (1994) Gratification and Activity in Schizophrenia. Some Curative Factors in Two Dynamic Psychotherapies. In: Dynamische Psychiatrie, Muenchen, Germany, 27 Jg, #146-147, S.206-219. (In English with a German abstract)
6.Rogovoy B. Aphrodite and Universal Corruption.(Manuscript)
7. Rogovoy B. The Dialectics of Self-Will. (Manuscript)
8.Rogovoy B. On Positive Psychic Pathology. (Manuscript)
9.Sartre J.P. (1938) La Nausee.
There are also English, German and Russian yranslations.
10.Valyanski S., Kalyuzhni Dm.(2006) Armageddon To-Morrow, M.:AST (In Russian)
12. .
# 09:09 25-05-2011 будимир, обратиться
В дополнение к моему письму от 23.05.11 сообщаю, что грыжа позвоночника лечится также с помощью кровати-массажера .
Эта кровать производится южнокорейской фирмой Сайт фирмы -
Я не уверен, однако, что этим способом можно радикально вылечить это заболевание.
Вы можете мне ответить по моему электронному адресу
С наилучшими пожеланиями
# 09:18 05-06-2012 марина, обратиться
аля, здравствуйте! проблемы во всем позвоночнике у меня, могли упражнения описать, подсказать! спасибо!
предложил врач проколоть алфлутоп, с чем его совместить, подскажете?
# 15:33 21-09-2018 Laura, обратиться
Добрый день! Пожалуйста, можете поделиться описанием упражнений или посоветовать источник. Заранее спасибо!



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