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14:35 23-06-2002 / E.A., обратиться

Dear Dr Simon,
I was trying to reach you by the Internet in the hope that you're doing fine after completion of your doctorate.
I'm still interested in latest developments in angioplastics at your Center. Your prescriptions work fine with me and I even dare abstaining from medicines for a week or two. Lindly let me know if something absolutely revolutionary has been recorded in the field of angioplastics at the Bakulev center.


Внимание! Имена специалистов пишутся красным шрифтом со ссылкой на их профиль. Остерегайтесь мошенников, не высылайте никому деньги!

# 22:02 24-06-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
DEAR E. A. , first of all I’ m really glad to hear that you’ re doing better. We are also moving forward in all areas of cardiology, especially genetic therapy, angiogenesis and angioplasty. Regarding the last issue, we are introducing the revolutionary new coated stents from Cordis. They contain a special cytostatic drug that prevents restenosis and in a clinical trials show the long- term restenosis rate of 0% (! ) in all groups of patients including diabetics and women. So, this is the next reason for you to visit us, isn’ t it? With my best wishes, S. M.
# 11:09 25-06-2002 E.A., обратиться
Dear Simon,
I am delighted to get your feedback. These Cordis coated stents sound great and I'll try to make an appointment with you first thing in July if you're
not abroad.
Regards and good luck
# 22:17 26-06-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
Dear E. A. , I'm planning to stay in Moscow for the first decade of July and you are welcome to come and visit us at any time. Best wishes, S. M.



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